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How Much for that Doggie?

Above The Notch Humane Society | Doggies Pt.1
Doggies Pt.2
Doggies Pt.3
Doggies Pt.4

Ammonoosuc Times readers make known their favorite quadrupeds....

Aubuchon Santa Aubuchon Santa
Among the visitors to Aubuchon Hardware on Meadow Street last Saturday was Sierra,who hangs out at the neighboring Radio Shack store.
- Barry Hayes

Josie Name: Josie
Pedigree: Wheaton Terrier
Age: 12 1/2 Years
Companions: Louisa and Henry Porter of Sugar Hill
Josie is happiest when: She's on the couch with her companions.
Josie Says: "Treat or go out!"
Why we love Josie: Because she is just wonderful.

Lucy Name: Lucy
Pedigree: Mostly Dachshund, and, maybe some Dalmation.
Age: 3
Dog's Occupation: Spoiled entertainer.
Companions: Terri Clothey and Jim McIntosh
Dog is happiest when: When there are biscuits and ice cream on the menu.
Lucy says: Let's go see Terri!
Why I love my dog: Because she's Lucy... She represents all the wonderful things about love and life.

Lorna Name: Becky
Pedigree: Full blooded Pound Hound, with some spaniel and daschund for attitude
Age: 3-ish, or old enough in people years
Dog's Occupation: Lying under the desk during working hours; riding shotgun; patroling the kitchen floor at suppertime; gutting squeaky toys; protecting the house; seeking treats and gnawing on socks.
Hometown: Bethlehem
Companions: Lorna Colquhoun and Bryan Turner
My Business: Ace reporter and Super Hero, respectively.
Dog is happiest when: She's with her people and especially when her people take her bye-bye.
Becky says: When I'm good, I am very good and when I'm bad ... at least I'm still cute.
Why I love my dog: Becky was a tough case when we brought her home two years ago and while it's been challenging at times turning her into good dog, she has finally realized the good leash on life she has. She's got some endearing quirks and a distinctive personality ... and who can't help loving a mutt that's so doggone cute?

SadieA few issues back we featured Janette Dana and her puppies, however one of those puppies actually belonged to Janette's daughter Angela who was away. Sadie wanted to be featured with her "real" owner so we are giving her the spotlight once again!
Name: Sadie
Pedigree: Yellow Lab
Age:2 years
Hometown: Monroe, NH
Companion: Angela Dana
Can be seen at: CH Dana RV
Happiest When: My owner is home and I'm outside!
Sadie Says: Where's the stick? Lets play fetch!
Why I love my dog: She's just a great friend, she loves to do everything with me and loves to be with me 24/7.She is very lovable.

CallieNAME: Callie
PEDIGREE: Lab/St. Bernard Mix
AGE: 2 years
COMPANION: Cindy Williams
COMPANY: Fireside Hearth & Leisure
HAPPIEST WHEN: Playing ball with the customers or growling at sales reps (not the Amm Times Rep however!)
CALLIE SAYS: "Lets play! Chase me!"
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: She keeps me company.

PolarNAME: Polar
PEDIGREE: White Shepherd
AGE: 6
HOMETOWN: North Haverhill
BUSINESS: Selling produce in Franconia
MY DOG IS HAPPIEST WHEN: "When she is chasing around after me, I guess."
POLAR SAYS: "Go ride!"
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: "I've always had a dog since I was a kid. She's a good companion and my best friend."

WilburNAME OF DOG: Wilbur
PEDIGREE: Chocolate Lab
AGE: 5
HOMETOWN: Merritt Island, Florida (summering with grandparents George and Mae Epstein in Bethlehem).
MY DOG IS HAPPIEST WHEN: You feed him; you rub his belly and when he pins me down and licks me all over.
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: Because Wilbur is always there to play with me. He's my best friend.

LilyNAME: Lily
PEDIGREE: yellow/black lab and golden retriever
AGE: 4 mos
OWNERS/COMPANIONS: Cory, David, Owen and Colin Thurston
BUSINESS: Path of Energy Massage-Sugar Hill
MY DOG IS HAPPIEST: She is always happy!
LILY SAYS: I'm so grateful that I was chosen!
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: She is such a gift. I am grateful that she chose me!

Jannette Dana, Sadie, Lily & MikaylaNAMES (l-r) Jannette Dana, Sadie, Lily & Mikayla
AGESSadie 2, Lily 7, Mikayla 6
DOGS ARE HAPPIEST WHEN On hiking trails and swimming in the brook
SADIE, LILY AND MIKAYLA SAY Can we go for a ride? We love to ride!
WHY I LOVE MY DOGS Because they are part of my family and they are always happy. They are our official store greeters, customers love them and always seem to bring them treats!

Koko NAME: Koko
PEDIGREE: Chocolate Lab
AGE: 6 years
HOMETOWN: Littleton
OWNERS/COMPANIONS: Scott (pictured), Linna and Shelby Degreenia
BUSINESS: Twin State Glass Works
MY DOG IS HAPPIEST: At work with Scott!
KOKO SAYS: "Can I have a ham and cheese sandwich?"
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: "She's a good girl. She's gone to work with me every day since she was eight weeks old."

Nika & Kobe NAMES: Nika(left) and Kobe
PEDIGREE: Nika is a pug-plus and Kobe is all pug
AGE: Eternally pups
HOMETOWN: Littleton
OWNERS/COMPANIONS: Brian and Kimberlie White
MY DOG IS HAPPIEST WHEN: Nika-- "Wrestling with Kobe." Kobe-- "Sitting on the couch and watching TV with Kimberlie. Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, usual fare."
NIKA SAYS: "Where's the cat? Get out here and play!"
KOBE SAYS: "Scratch my back. A little to the left, up, now to the right. Love me, love me, love me."
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: Brian loves Nika because she is high-spirited and loves to play. Kim loves Kobe because he's a cute little cuddler.

Buddy NAME: Buddy
BREED: Jack Russell
AGE: 3
HOMETOWN: Littleton
COMPANION: "Scott The Barber"
HAPPIEST WHEN: He's playing ball or drinking White Russians (Buddy, not Scott...)
BUDDY SAYS: Feed me!!
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: "Why because he's my best friend, he goes everywhere with me! He even goes into a few bars with me where they feed him beef jerky, he gets thirsty and so they serve him White Russians".

Snowball NAME: Snowball
BREED: Pure-Bred Pekingese
AGE: 7 Year Old Male
HOMETOWN: Littleton
COMPANION: Ciara Ranae Ferland
BUSINESS: The Child-Care Express
SNOWBALL SAYS: My Favorite Thing To Do Is Go For A Walk With Ciara & Then Get My Doggie Treat For Being a Good Walker!
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: Snowball Is A Very Good Dog. He Likes All The Children At My Mom's Daycare. I Got Snowball When I Was 3 Years Old And I Am Now 9 Going On 10 And We Are BEST FRIENDS!

Isabelle 'Hurricane Morse' NAME: Isabelle "Hurricane Morse"
AGE: 2 1/2 years
PEDIGREE: Bloodhound
COMPANION: Dan Eldridge
HOMETOWN: Bethlehem
HAPPIEST WHEN: She gets to go for a long hike and then rest by the fireplace
ISABELLE SAYS: "Can we go out and play some more?"
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: She's always happy to spend quality time with family

Sally and Katie NAMES: Sally and Katie.
AGES: Sally, 5 years; Katie, 10 years.
PEDIGREE: Sally, Calico Cat; Katie, Beagle Mix.
COMPANION: Laurel Krauss.
BUSINESS: Sew Much More.
HOMETOWN: Littleton.
HAPPIEST WHEN: Sally: Being told she's beautiful. Katie: Going for a walk.
SALLY SAYS: "Everything here is mine."
KATIE SAYS: "Can I come along?"
WHY I LOVE SALLY: Because she's very entertaining.
WHY I LOVE KATIE: For her enthusiasm.

Maya Bettencourt Bethlehem, NH --- Maya Bettencourt - the beloved pet of Roberta, James and Arthur - passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday night, February 18, 2006, at her lifelong home on Mt. Cleveland Road.

Maya, a border collie/English sheepdog mix, was born of a farming family in North Haverhill, NH, in late June 1991. She first met the Bettencourts in a livestock barn at the annual North Haverhill Fair, where she and her siblings were being sold for $25.00 each, as their mother was unable to care for them. And so it was that she moved to Bethlehem at the age of 6 weeks. Being of an highly intelligent nature, as is the way with border collies, Maya quickly found her niche within the household. She was James's ever joyful playmate and protector and served as Arthur's devoted, loving and loyal friend through good times and bad. For Roberta, Maya was a constant companion when it came to anything having to do with firewood. She was the self-appointed superintendent of splitting and stacking operations and unfailingly oversaw the transport of wood from the shed to the house.

Maya's interests were many and included walks in the woods where absolutely everything had to be sniffed; chewing on pieces of wood and reducing them to pulp; racing through freshly fallen snow and stuffing her head into the snow looking for who-knows-what; playing stick; going for a r-i-d-e in the car or helping plow snow and eating. She was a bottomless pit - refusing nothing, except Brussels sprouts!

She was full of enthusiasm and had a way about her that could brighten even the darkest of days. Whenever spoken to, she looked at you so intently with those big brown eyes and it seemed that she understood every word. A visitor once commented that Maya was the only dog he had ever known who would bark and wag her tail at the same time. Maya will be greatly missed by us all and the presence of her absence is keenly felt by those of us with whom she shared her life span of nearly 15 years.

Mercer Morgan NAME: Mercer Morgan
AGE: 12 weeks
PEDIGREE: A mix of BIG breeds!
COMPANION: Emily Herzig and Ferdinand (the other dog in the family)
BUSINESS: FloraLatte
HOMETOWN: Littleton
HAPPIEST WHEN: Eating rose blossoms
MERCER SAYS: More rose blossoms, please!
WHY I LOVE MY DOG(S)? They are my best friends and great employees. - Jim McIntosh

McGruff the Crime Prevention Dog & Sparky the Fire Prevention DogMcGruff the Crime Prevention Dog and Sparky the Fire Prevention Dog at the Littleton Police Department open house on Saturday, January 2, 2006

Olson NAME: Sven (at right, with his friend, Jake the golden retriever who belongs to Dee Hammerlee, owner of the Elephant's Trunk)
AGE: 12+ years
PEDIGREE: Bassett Hound & Labrador (yellow) mix. Sven is a Bass-a-Lab, a.k.a. a mutt.
WEIGHT: 52 pounds
COMPANION: Carl D. Olson, Attorney at Law
HOMETOWN: Whitefield.
HAPPIEST WHEN: Making doggie angels in fresh snow.
SVEN SAYS: Why can't it snow 12 months of the year? Woohoo!! It's SNOWING!!!
WHY I LOVE MY DOG? He's smart, friendly, and an all-around good dog. And, he's always happy to see me.

Sugar Hill Grinch.Sugar Hill Grinch.

Baby Girl Grunt NAME: Baby Girl Grunt
AGE: 8 months
HOMETOWN: Bethlehem
MY DOG IS HAPPIEST WHEN: I'm snuggling up with mom or ankle biting Sprinkles (a beagle living in the same abode).
GRUNT SAYS: "Yes, I am a princess."
WHY I LOVE MY DOG: She is very precious and very loving. Yes,a face only a mother could love.

John Stevenson and his girls

John Stevenson and his girls

Tom Turkey NAME: Tom
PEDIGREE: Domestic Turkey
AGE: 3 1/2 years
HOMETOWN: Littleton
BUSINESS: Jackson Corner Casuals

TOM IS HAPPIEST WHEN: Chasing Holly around the back yard. Hanging out with the dogs.
TOM SAYS: I want a girlfriend

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Doggies Pt.2 | Doggies Pt.3 | Doggies Pt.4 | Above The Notch Humane Society

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