Celebrating Eleanor Hodgman Porter
Littleton's remarkable woman of history
Deb Alberini to Portray Author Eleanor Hodgman Porter in Event Celebrating Women's History Month

To celebrate Women's History Month, GoLittleton.com is honoring Littleton native Eleanor Hodgman Porter, the author who created the glad and cheerful Pollyanna, the heroine of her most famous book. Eleanor will appear at a special event at the GoLittleton Glad Shop adjacent to the Pollyanna Gateway on Main Street on Saturday, March 29, 2025 from 11 am to 1 pm.
Dressed in period costume, Deb Alberini will be in the shop's front window portraying Eleanor Porter and sharing stories of Eleanor's life and creative accomplishments.
"The Pollyanna Glad Shop honors Eleanor Porter every day of the year, but during Women's History Month it is important to take a moment and remember how rare it was during the early 20th century for a woman to lead a creative, profitable life as Eleanor did," says Glad Shop owner Veronica Francis. "She excelled in music and wrote so many thoughtful books, including her most famous one, Pollyanna, which was published in 1913."

Dick & Deb Alberini
"Eleanor was born in Littleton and is a major figure in the town's history," says Deb Alberini, who is writing a biography of the famous author. "I'm trying to read all of the stories she wrote (15 novels and between 150-200 articles for magazine), learning about her and becoming her during these kinds of presentations." One of Deb's most amazing finds was discovering four boxes of information on Eleanor at Dartmouth College, including treasured love letters from her husband, who was a banker.
Along with the March 29 event, the Pollyanna shop is celebrating all month by featuring Eleanor Porter Swag on sale, including a special Eleanor Porter History Gift Pack that includes a bookmark, a commemorative coin featuring Eleanor and a magnet. The items are available online at GoLittletonShop.com or at the Main Street shop.
Deb Alberini as Author Eleanor Hodgman Porter