The Old Man is No More
c. 30,000 b.c. - May 2, 2003
It was uncertain when the outcropping actually fell because clouds had obscured the area Thursday and Friday. A state park trails crew reported Saturday morning that the Old Man of the Mountain was gone.
On Saturday, May 3, the staff of scaled the Old Man's former cranium to obtain visual documentation of the geologic mishap.
Three large turnbuckles, which had spanned an (ultimately fatal) fiberglass-epoxy covered crack, now grasp at thin air....
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all photos © 2001-2003 C.Flanders
Your humble correspondents
photo by Virginia Apple
Historic Photos
photos courtesy A. MacAulay
Above: Repair work on the forehead, 1965-1966
Drilling for turnbuckle anchor pins was done with a modified chainsaw rather than a pneumatic hammer, to minimize potentially damaging vibrations
Bush attached to chin, 1955
Local pranksters mounted a bush on the chin in anticipation of President Eisenhower's 1955 visit to the area