Schools & Educational Resources in Littleton NH

Littleton Public Schools:

Littleton Supervisory Administrative Unit #84 →

Mildred C. Lakeway Elementary School
325 Union Street
Littleton, New Hampshire 03561
Phone: (603) 444-2831
Fax: (603) 444-2716

Littleton High School
Littleton High School

Home of the Crusaders!
105 School Street
Littleton NH 03561

The White Mountain School (private)
West Farm Road
Bethlehem, NH 03574
603/444-2928 x22 FAX 603/444-1258

Granite State College
Academic Campus
39 Main Street
Littleton, NH 03561

White Mountains Community College
646 Union St.,
Littleton, NH 03561
Fax 444-0981

Adult Tutorial Program
GED prep and tutoring available
75 Bronson St
Littleton, NH 03561

Littleton Scene
Pedestrian Covered Bridge over The Ammonoosuc River

Kilburn Crags Pollyanna Littleton River District Commission Littleton Regional Healthcare Postcards from the Days of Yore The Old Man of the Mountain Socrates