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Littleton Hometown Volunteer Heroes
Sad & tragic premature demise of Old Man of the mountains
The Old Man:
exclusive photos
Worthy of Note:

Pearls before Primates:

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.

Littleton River District Commission
Littleton Water and Light Dept.
Serving the Community since 1903

The Old Man is No More: Historic Photos

photos courtesy A. MacAulay

Repair work on the forehead of the Old Man of the Mountain
Repair work on the forehead of the Old Man of the Mountain

Above: Repair work on the forehead, 1965-1966
Drilling for turnbuckle anchor pins was done with a modified chainsaw rather than a pneumatic hammer, to minimize potentially damaging vibrations

Bush attached to chin, 1955
Local pranksters mounted a bush on the chin in anticipation of President Eisenhower's 1955 visit to the area
Bush attached to chin

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Littleton NH

Littleton, NH seen from Kilburn Crags
View from Kilburn Crags
Littleton Veterans Memorial Bridge dedication 2003
Littleton Veterans
Memorial Bridge

Littleton Professional Services

Quote to note:
To disagree, one doesn't have to be disagreeable.
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